How can cortisol measures inform us on the effects of mindfulness on stress?
How can cortisol measures inform us on the effects of mindfulness on stress? Discuss the challenges and pitfalls involved in the use of cortisol measures by scientific studies, as well as the evidence implicating these
Mindfulness as an emotion regulation strategy is best described as no appraisal than re-appraisal
Mindfulness research shows extensive evidence for its broad benefits as a secular practice to effectively modulate emotional processing. A core theme distinguishing mindfulness from re-appraisal methods such as those applied in CBT, is an underlying
The effect of mindfulness on the activity of the Default Mode Network . .
The effect of mindfulness on the activity of the Default Mode Network supports the role of the Default Mode Network in self-referential processing The Default Mode Network (DMN) generally refers to the pattern of brain
Evaluate the evidence on causes of depression.
Depression is ranked as the leading cause of disability by the World Health Organisation and has a complex aetiology with environmental factors often playing a significant role. These may include adverse life events, inadequate parenting
Joshua Bloom was born on the 21st September 1984 in Hackney, North East London, to a Filippino mother and Jewish father of Russian-Romanian descent. He grew up in a culturally diverse part of London, sandwiched between Hackney’s infamous ‘Murder Mile’ and Stamford Hill, which is the centre of a 20,000+ strong ultra-Orthodox Jewish community, the largest in Europe. A great deal of his childhood was spent observing local flora and fauna in the surrounding parks and Hackney Marshes nature reserve. . .